Andreas Hoff
Andreas Hoff is Professor of Social Gerontology at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and director of the research institute “Gesundheit, Altern, Arbeit, Technik” (GAT) (English translation: “Health, Ageing, Labour, Technology”).…
Jevgenija Nekrilova
Jevgenija has worked in different administrative functions in Belgium since 2004 gaining extensive experience in finance and human resources management and general office administration. She holds a Master Degree in…
Sebastian Fischer
Sebastian Fischer works with three carer organisation in Europe. Chief Executive of VOCAL – Voice of Carers Across Lothian – – since 1994. VOCAL is a carer-led social enterprise…
Georgia Casanova
Georgia Casanova is a senior researcher at the Center for Socio-Economic Research on Aging of the IRCCS-INRCA (National Institute of Health and Science on Aging) in Ancona, Italy, where she…
Last Updated on November 25, 2013