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The European voice for informal carers

The recognition of informal carers is finally in sight in Belgium

From its creation in 2006, our Belgian member Aidants Proches took charge of the implementation of specific social protections intended for informal carers. Their desire was twofold: to highlight an invisible social group, but also to recognize it in what it brings, as an irreplaceable informal pillar, to the Belgian health system. Step completed this 1st September 2020 !!!

This law opens up the possibility for anyone accompanying a loved one with a lack of autonomy, to be recognized as informal carers: a certificate of honor is sufficient. The scope of assistance remains voluntarily extended: family, spouses, but also neighbors or friends … can be “close helpers” and identify themselves as such with their mutual. It is the link of geographic and / or relational proximity that takes precedence.

More information in French here.


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