Training and skills development for carers of people with a chronic illness or disability
The Prolepsis Institute, in collaboration with EPIONI, cohosted the informative event titled: “Presentation of digital healthcare tools for informal caregivers” on Thursday, November 2, 2023, from 10:30 to 12:30, at the Institute’s offices (7 Frangoklisias 7, Maroussi). The workdhop took place within the framework of the European project DIGITALIS.
This project is developing a training program aimed at helping informal carers handle and utilize e-Health services to provide a higher level of care tailored to their needs. Topics such as finding reliable online resources, using applications and email, and protecting computers were discussed during the workshop.
Simultaneously, the Prolepsis Institute team had been recording the needs of carers in terms of knowledge and the use of digital tools that could enhance their daily lives. Participation in the workshop was free of charge.
The European project DIGITALIS is been implemented under the ERASMUS+ program of the EU. The project commenced on February 1, 2022, and will be completed over a span of 3 years. DIGITALIS is being implemented in collaboration with 5 partners from 3 European countries (Greece, Italy, Hungary) and is coordinated by the Laboratory of Biomedicine, Research, and Biotechnology, Fondazione Democenter-Sipe, Italy. From Greece, both the Prolepsis Institute and the Greek Carers Network EPIONI are involved, with Eurocarers participating as an associate partner.
Additional information about the project can be found at https://digitalis.prompt.hu/.