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The European voice for informal carers

21 September is #WorldAlzheimersDay – Call to Action issued at European level

The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, EFPIA, has issued a Call to Action on World Alzheimer’s Day, urging health systems across Europe to prepare and get ready for several new and innovative disease-modifying treatments* in the field of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).

You can read the details of the recommendations made in the EFPIA paper here and their Call to Action asking for:

  • Political leadership making AD and dementia a priority in research, health and social affairs
  • A European Plan to Beat AD
  • Ensure the EU4Health Programme funds more exchange of best practices for health care and social care system readiness
  • Updated European evidence-based guidelines for diagnosis and management of AD
  • Adoption and implementation of national dementia/AD plans in line with WHO Global Action Plan 2017-2025

Eurocarers provided input highlighting that actions in this field need to be designed and planned in a way that takes into consideration the impact of the disease from a more holistic perspective – in the context of the individual and their families who will also be progressively impacted by the disease in their daily lives.

Eurocarers highlighted the significant cost and burden of informal care in AD and thus the importance of the specific needs of carers including that change should be made to our health and social care systems leading to more integrated approaches.

* Disease modification can be defined as treatments or interventions that affect the underlying pathophysiology of the disease and have a beneficial outcome on the course of AD. See more here.
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