Care skills and training: Eurocarers is involved in a new project
On 4 July, Eurocarers took part in the kick-off meeting of the Eldicare 2.0 project in Athens. The overall goal of this new project is to strengthen stakeholders’ cooperation in the area of elderly care and educational provision in healthcare and build a shared vision. Concretely, partners will update the occupational profiles and competencies of professionals in the elderly caregiving sector, and design a long-term strategy for sectoral skills that will tackle skills gaps in the labor market and anticipate the skills needed in the future.
ELDICARE 2.0. is a 48-month project funded by the European Union Programme Erasmus, involving 17 organisations from 9 countries (Greece, Austria, France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Luxemburg). Training interventions will be piloted in Greece, the Czech Republic, France, Spain, Austria and Bulgaria.
Participating in this project will give Eurocarers the opportunity to voice the needs of informal carers and promote an approach to healthcare training that contributes to better cooperation between formal and informal carers.
Eldicare 2.0 continues the Sector Skills Alliance project “Eldicare: Matching Skills in a Growing European Silver Economy”, which was implemented from 2018 to 2021 and coordinated by AKMI, a large vocational education and training provider in Greece. More information will be shortly available on Eurocarers’ website.