Launch of a new project on sexual abuse of women with mental disabilities
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the global prevalence and risk of violence against adults with disabilities published in the Lancet during the past years, found that overall adults with disabilities are 1.5 times more likely to be victims of violence than those without a disability. Women with mental disabilities, in particular, have the highest risk to be a victim of gender based violence and often unable to disclose violence or seek help. This is due to women being unaware they are being abused or recognizing ill treatment:
The STAY SAFE project, funded under the REC-programme, is implemented by partners from Italy (ANS), Portugal (University of Porto and Safe Space), Greece (EDRA), Lithuania (SIF), Spain (Intras) and Eurocarers as European Network.
It aims at:
- Develop and test a training model based on creative drama technique targeting women with mental disabilities and professionals to recognize, react and report to sexual harassment episodes (both online and offline);
- Raise awareness among professionals (psychologists, social workers, medical staff, informal carers, etc.), working in the disability field of the risk of sexual harassment to which mentally disabled women are exposed and to provide them with instruments to replicate the training programme
The project aims to make women involved
- Capable to recognise abusive behaviours and name the violence when this is perpetrated against them
- Willing to report situations where they’ve been victim of a sexual assault
- More capable and actually confident to report a sexual harassment
- More inclined to ask for help when needed
On the other hand, we expect professionals to become
- More likely to report cases of violence when they see them
- Able to promote a more favorable environment for women who report violence
- More willing to support victims of violence in case of need.
To learn more about the project: https://staysafeproject.eu/