EU Navigate project: Supporting older people with cancer and their carers in the community
Older people with cancer and their informal carers living in the community have the right to receive timely access to health and social care services. Yet, many of them still do not receive the health and social services they need, and they are also not always aware that these services exist.
Navigation programmes support the fast-growing number of older people with cancer and declining health throughout their trajectory to live as well as possible at home. Building on the successful Nav-CARE initiative in Canada, a European project is investigating and piloting navigation programmes in different EU countries. Specially-trained navigators help older people and their families access needed resources and services while providing companionship and support.
The project aims to develop NavCare-EU, a navigation intervention that will improve the quality of life and well-being of older people with cancer and their families, foster empowerment, and promote timely and equitable access to health and social care services.
EU Navigate is an intercontinental, interdisciplinary, and intersectoral research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme (2022-2027). Eurocarers is a member of the EU Navigate Advisory Board. More information is available on the project webpage.
© Picture by Vlaamse Ouderenraad [Flemish Council of Older People]