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The European voice for informal carers

Creating a COVID-19 backup plan, Care Alliance Ireland

Communication around Covid-19 by Care Alliance Ireland


Dear Colleagues,

In light of the Covid19 situation, we have reconfigured our organisations activities.

We have just published a new resource;

Creating a Backup Plan – Covid19 and Family Carers.

If the virus spreads through the community, family carers will be vulnerable. The contents of the resource are based on existing resources used widely in the UK.

We recommend that now is the time for family carers to prepare.

Topics include;

  • Nominate a Backup Carer
  • Making an Emergency Plan – contact details etc. 
  • Emergency Plan workbook- from  (UK)
  • In Case of Emergency (ICE)
  • Technology
  • Social Media/ Community Apps

Please do share as you see fit.

This guidance is available as a webpage here, and as a standalone PDF here.

The guidance document will be updated as necessary. Should you notice any inaccuracies in it or have suggestions for improvement please email

Other Actions

Over the coming days we will be setting up a private moderated family carer support group online – through the Facebook page that we manage

The service will seek to immediately mitigate the impact of the sudden withdrawal of a number of face-to-face family carer support services that have occurred in recent days.

When this goes live, we shall communicate details of this with you and would appreciate dissemination of this to those family carers you work with.

Please, keep safe and well in the coming weeks,

Liam, Zoe and the Care Alliance team.

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