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The European voice for informal carers

Covid and long-term care – a European overview

Vilans, one of our member organisations in the Netherlands, has mapped the government measures of eight countries to limit the spread of the corona virus and its consequences for long-term care.

The aim is to learn from these measures and to take inspiration from them. In this overview we show how Belgium (especially Flanders), Denmark, Germany (especially North Rhine-Westphalia), France, Norway, the United Kingdom (especially England), Sweden and the Netherlands have operated since March 2020.

Read their very interesting report that broaches the following topics:

  • Visitors guidelines
  • Testing policies
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Monitoring infections and deaths
  • Policies for side effects
  • Good practices

They will continue updating and improving this work, if you come across good practices, please feel free to share them with Vilans.

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