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The European voice for informal carers

Family Carers Ireland – capturing carers’ experiences of caring during the COVID-19 pandemic

Family Carers Ireland is the national representative organisation for family carers in Ireland. Earlier this year, over 1,200 family carers responded to our first nationwide State of Caring survey, which gathered evidence on what it is like to be a carer in Ireland in 2020.

Given the unprecedented times we are currently living in, Family Carers Ireland is eager to capture carers’ experiences of caring during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. We have therefore extended the State of Caring study to include an additional short survey on the experience of caring for a loved one during COVID-19.

These two datasets will help us better understand how COVID-19 has affected family carers as well as informing our policy priorities both during the pandemic and in the months and years ahead as Ireland and many countries globally enter a period of economic uncertainty.

More information here

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