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The European voice for informal carers

First CARE4DEM multiplier event organised in Portugal

On the 7th of June, CARE4DEMPortuguese partners, Aproximar and Cas050+, organised the first CARE4DEM multiplier event in Portugal. The event gathered  21 participants, from 26 organisations, including the City Council representatives for caregivers’ support.

The event was organised at Aproximar premises and covered the presentation of the project and its four  intellectual outputs.  The City Council also shared about their activities and vision for the support of informal caregivers.

Participants had the opportunity to work together in order to define possible solutions to challenges which had been  identified, providing useful ideas for the implementation of the model.

The event created a momentum around CARE4DEM, which was key to mobilize stakeholders and recruit  potential facilitators of support groups for the piloting of the CARE4DEM model in Portugal.

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