Italy –National Recovery and Resilience Plan and Long-term Care
Eurocarers member Anziani e non solo and the organisation Carer have released an interesting article about the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, described as an historic opportunity to make investments in the Long-term care sector, particularly care-at-home. In this thought-provoking opinion, they describe how the demand of LTC has changed. Hence, they call for reforms in the offer of LTC, starting from the analysis of needs of the caree, combined with those of the care providers. Concrete investment (e.g. in ICT solutions and training) is needed to empower all the providers of long-term care (professional carers, informal carers, domestic workers, volunteers) and make them able to perform their caring role (as well as the other roles they have in life).
A social innovation exercise is required, with all the providers of long-term care playing together in a unified network, where the final goal is quality of life and social inclusion.
In this context, it is crucial to support the transition from a private dimension of care to the recognition of its social value.
The article – in Italian- can be read here.
About the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, NRRP) is part of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) programme, namely the € 750 billion package – of which about half is in the form of grants – that the European Union negotiated in response to the pandemic crisis.
The Recovery and Resilience Plan presented by Italy envisages investments and a consistent reform package. The Plan is developed around three strategic axes shared at a European level: digitisation and innovation, ecological transition, and social inclusion. It is an intervention that aims at repairing the economic and social damage caused by the pandemic crisis, contributing to addressing the structural weaknesses of the Italian economy, and leading the country along a path of ecological and environmental transition. The NRRP will substantially contribute to reducing territorial, generational and gender gaps.
Further details are available here.