Launch of the cosmic project on informal carers from migrant backgrounds
The Erasmus+ funded “COSMIC” is an European initiative aiming to support the migrant carers a target group which is at double risk of exclusion, discrimination and stigmatization: that of informal carers of migrant background.
Migrant carers in common with carers more generally, work tirelessly in support of those they care for, often without recognition and to the detriment of their own health and well-being. On a different note, this target g roup experience unique challenges in accessing support services, and their rights are not yet fully recognized as carers and as a consequence of this the run a higher risk of social exclusion.
The project is coordinated by Pårørendealliansen from Norway and implemented by a partnership mostly of Eurocarers members which includes ANS and C’Entro from Italy, the University of Lubjana from Slovenia and KMOP from Greece.
Through various steps, the project will design, produce and test by developing and testing methods and tools through which increased recognition and self-identification, support access to available services and improving the attention to cultural diversity in existing services will be achieved:
- An awareness rising package for carers with migrant backgrounds which will support self-recognition of migrant informal carers.
- An informative pack for migrant communities which will raise awareness among migrant communities on the challenges faced by carers.
- A face-to-face training package for professionals, which will be piloted at local level.
- An online course for professionals working in partner countries which will strengthen their skills of reaching out, working in partnership, supporting and empowering informal carers from migrant communities.
The project website, which includes dissemination material, reports, policy briefs as well as opportunities for collaboration is accessible from the URL: https://cosmicproject.eu