Interested in taking part in the piloting of the Care4Dem intervention?
The Care4Dem model of an online Mutual Aid Group for informal carers of people with dementia is now available.
To date, all the components of the Care4Dem model of an online Mutual Aid Group (MAG) for informal carers of people with Dementia are finalised in English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, and Portuguese. These include: an online platform for participants as well as a guide to implement the MAG, a competence profile, an online evaluation tool and a training for facilitators, and a tool designed to evaluate the outcomes of the intervention. The piloting of this model has started in Italia, Portugal and Romania, with very positive results. “I have just finished my first session, and it was the best day of my life ever -I am so happy” even said a participant.
Though, despite partners’ efforts to disseminate in their communities about the opportunity offered to take part in the intervention, the number of informal carers involved in the piloting remains limited. Often, informal carers communicate their interest in the project and stress how relevant it would be for them to take part, but many obstacles prevent them to do so, notably the difficulty to use online tools, and the lack of time…
However, partners will pursue the piloting in the coming months, trying to form several additional groups of volunteers. Other organisations are welcome to participate in the testing of the intervention. Concretely, this involves a short training for one or two facilitators, so that they are equipped in order to facilitate a series of 9 online meetings with a group of 6 to 8 informal carers of people with dementia. If you are interested in knowing more about the piloting phase, please contact Claire Champeix (