New Eurocarers Development Strategy 2023-2030 online
As the positive momentum around care and caring continues to evolve, various opportunities arise where our network possesses a comparative advantage. But the policy environment is complex, the competition is fierce and success is not assured. Besides, policy developments of relevance to carers have often been implemented in a fragmented and uneven manner and have therefore not always resulted in tangible improvements in carer support. Much more therefore remains to be done to generate evidence, to inform the policy-making process, to connect the dots between existing EU, national and regional policy initiatives and to trigger new ones in support of carers.
In order to maximise our impact and following the constructive dialogue initiated with our members in May 2023, the Eurocarers Board and Secretariat have finalised the updated Development Strategy of our organisation for the 2023-2030 period. The strategy, known as the Network Development Strategy 2023-2030, aligns with our proposed EU approach to support and empower carers. It provides a framework for identifying and promoting the most favourable opportunities that result from our research, networking and advocacy initiatives, all geared towards nurturing carer-friendly societies in Europe.
The Eurocarers Network Development Strategy 2023-2030 is available here.