Norway – first Norwegian strategy for Carers with a Plan of action 2021-2025!
Pårørendealliansen (Norwegian alliance for informal carers) pushed for the need for a Norwegian strategy for carers. The Government took the challenge in 2018 and promised to deliver it in 2019.
It was postponed once over to 2020, and then delayed to the end of 2020 because of covid19, but in December 2020 we were invited to receive the Strategy with a plan of Action.
The Carers Strategy is aiming for 3 main goals:
- To appreciate and value the contribution from informal carers
- To secure an enable informal carers to live good lives and take part in work an school, no matter of their caring role
- No children or young carers should have to care alone
Norwegian Carers are estimated to be around 800 000 out of a population of 5,3 million. They contribute to care and help to the sick and elderly population with about 136 000 FTEs, which is around 50 % of the all the help and care given to those who needed. It is vital for the welfare system, that we keep the contribution from informal carers, without creating new patients or having carers falling out of employment. We know that there will not be enough healthcare professionals to supply the care needed for an ageing population in the future!
Does the Carers strategy deliver solutions or suggestions to solve these challenges?
Well – we are optimistic in some ways , and in others ways not. There are many good suggestions to improve the lives of children and young carers, as well as for families who care for children with multiple caring challenges.
But we miss suggestions for Young Adult carers and also for the largest group:
Carers between 40 and 70 years, combining care and work- the Sandwich generation. Still a lot to do on that area, but we, together with our 31 member organizations, will keep our focus on and pressure up on this!