Taking into consideration carers’s health: a multidisciplinary approach required
More than 13% of the population in France are carers, and, often, through overinvestment and lack of time, the health of carersis sidelined. Faced with this societal issue, the subject of their health takes a significant importance. We absolutely need to understand the impact that caring role has on carers to help them staying in good health (physically, psychologically and socially). Based on a research conducted by the ‘Association françqise des Aidants’, this report published in April 2016, draw the following conclusions:
1. Carers who claim their place as relatives
Many carers report fragile health and difficult relationships with professionals. They regret the lack of consideration.
48% of carers report having health problems which they did not have before becoming carers
50% of carers do not talk about the difficulties associated with their caring role with health professionals
2. Professionals raised but deprived
Health and medico-social professionals explain that they have little knowledge of locals support for carers. We observed that carers’s personal situation is identified often too informally, within adapted tools and a major difficulty for professionals is finding their rightful place with regard to carers.
3. Institutional actors: an awareness to be realized
Institutional actors have shown a limited vision of stakeholders present locally. This lack of knowledge can be a detrimental factor towards the effective implementation of local policies for carers. While they clearly appear to have identified the issue of support for carers, its implementation remains to be developed.
Theme Health and well-being
Type Research
Authors French Carers Association
Countries France