Webinar 30 June 2020 | Age-friendly housing in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
The Homes4Life partnership is delighted to invite you to its webinar Age-friendly housing after COVID-19: did the pandemic impact the way we see our homes? do we still want to age in place? and how?
- Save the date ! Tue, Jun 30, 2020 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
- Register for free to this webinar here.
- Where: Go-To-Webinar online. You will receive the link to joint he webinar following your registration
In this one-hour webinar, the European H2020 project Homes4Life invites experts to discuss how an age-friendly approach to housing is more than ever needed to ensure people can age in healthy environments. Alice Pittini from HousingEurope, Holly Holder from the Centre for Ageing Better and Alfonso Lara Montero from the European Social Network will be part of the conversation.
The Homes4Life project, in which Eurocarers is a partner, aims to develop a new European certification scheme to address the challenge of ensuring suitable and adaptable housing for the needs of the ageing population. The scheme will be based on an inspirational and realistic long-term vision of people’s needs and requirements in a holistic life-course approach and help develop better living environments integrating construction and digital solutions where this is beneficial.