Capacity building in the social sector
The Dutch Eurocarers Member MOVISIE is a partner in the SoVol project. Its official title is ‘Capacity Building in the Social Sector through the Development of Volunteer Programmes at Social Institutions in the CEE Region’. The key goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of social work institutions to deliver good quality help to disadvantaged groups, such as those living in poverty, the elderly, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities in the Central and Eastern European Region.
The SoVol project is led by Volunteering Hungary, Centre of Social Innovation, in partnership with the Platform of Volunteer Centers and Organizations Slovakia, the Association for Civil Society De-velopment SMART in Croatia, Volunteer Centre, Warsaw in Poland, Pro Vobis – National Resource Center for Volunteerism in Romania, and Movisie. The project receives funding from the EU Eras-mus+ Programme.
For more information please visit the project website or contact Inge van Steekelenburg: i.vansteekelenburg@movisie.nl.