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The European voice for informal carers

The 4th CARE4DEM partnership meeting took place in Bucharest, on 9-10 May 2019

During their meeting on 9-10 May 2019, partners finalised the preparation of the piloting phase of the project, to be started in September 2019. The CARE4DEM model of an online MAG for informal carers of people with Dementia (IO 02) is ready for piloting, including a handbook, an online platform and an evaluation methodology, and partners are now finalising the training tools (Competence Profile and Online Evaluation Tool – IO 03 and Blended Training for Facilitators (IO 04) in each of the languages of the project (Italian, Romanian, Portuguese and Spanish). A second training will be delivered in June to the professionals from partners organisations involved in the project, and participants in the pilot groups will be recruited during September.

The meeting was also the opportunity to review transversal tasks, including the financial management of the project, which is going smoothly, and the dissemination – which is limited till now given the fact that most of the Intellectual Outcomes will only be published after evaluation and fine-tuning at the end of the piloting phase.

During their stay in Bucharest, partners were also invited to visit a residential facility for elderly people in Bucharest, including people with Dementia, and exchanged with professionals about the system in place and the needs in the field on long-term care in Romania.

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