Graduated at vocational nursing school in 1993 as nurse practitioner.
Gained master degree in nursing in 2015. Worked at nursing ward of care homes for children with mental disabilities and later on with seniors.
Just about the time Slovakia was entering the EU (2002-2004) Iveta worked as live-in carer and carer at a assisted living facility in Tampa of Florida, USA (the evaluation of education did not allow her to perform as a nurse in Florida); after she’d returned to Europe, she worked as live-in carer in Austria, and carer and recruiting agent of English speaking carers for home care services in England. Since 2009
-2012 worked as sales representative with hygiene products at subsidiary of the Swedish SCA company in Slovakia. She educated and trained care workers about incontinence care and proper use of aids at about 150 care institutions all over the East of Slovakia.
She self-educate in social field, studying Slovak legislation related to care and social services. )
She was in 2021 designed as a member of the Cooperation board of SPR Šariš of Prešov region(county) . As social economy actor, was also appointed as a member of the working group for the social and health sector, for the preparation of the Strategic plan of economic and social development of the Prešov region; In 2022, she was proposed by city deputies to the Social Commission of the city council.
At the Chamber of caregivers of Slovakia(KOS) she started in 2021, as coordinator. At AGM 2021 was offered to take the vice-president position. Together with the other members of the chamber, they act as the voice of carers. They make carers and caring visible, defend their interests and rights, as well as the right to safe, quality and continuous care of dependent people in the context of long-term care.
She is self-employed, social activist and community volunteer. Her vision of caring is based on the experience abroad. There should be cooperation within health and social field, in a way that caring is integrated part of a komplex health and social care. Caring and social services fulfill the preventive and assistance role of health care; formal and informal care support each other in provision of holistic, continuous and good quality long term care. Carers should be properly educated in order to be competent and able to provide comprehensive care in cooperation with the community nurse on the basis of delegation.
Caring should be perspective for carer and provide him/her and the caree decent living.