An assessment tool and a checklist were developed.
- The assessment tool is a self-assessment tool that aims to provide teachers and school staff with a set of exploratory questions to identify young carers and to assess the impacts, (positive and/or negative), of caring activities on school attainment, attendance, interaction with peers etc. Issues raised by the questionnaire can subsequently be further discussed in individual conversations and can be the starting point for implementing. The assessment tool is available in English, Italian, Portuguese Slovenian and Swedish. The report for this output describes the development and testing of the assessment tool.
- The checklist is for teachers and school staff to help them to identify possible young carers. The checklist is available in English, Italian, Portuguese Slovenian and Swedish.
The lead partner for this output was University of Ljubljana.
The assessment tools is available below!
The checklist is available below!
The report for this output is available in English! Click here!
A toolkit of educational strategies, didactical approaches and organisational adjustments that schools can take to facilitate young carers and to support them in their scholastic career while taking into account their caring responsibilities were developed. The toolkit includes two dimensions: the national one, whit sections written in native languages and presenting local-adapted strategies and the European one, with recommendations for transferability and adaptation at a wider level. The educational toolkit can be found in the handbook. The report for this output describes the development process.
The lead partner for this output was Anziani e non solo.
The report for this output is available in English! Click here!
A handbook for teachers and school staff was developed. The handbook is intended to act as a guide for school staff about how they can best work to support and empower young carers. The Handbook is targeted at school teachers and other school staff interested in knowing more about young carers, how to identify them in school, about good European practices and what to do to support young carers in schools. The handbook is available in English, Italian, Portuguese Slovenian and Swedish. The report for this output describe the handbook.
The lead partner for this outcome was Cuidadores Portugal.
The handbook is available below!
The report for this output is available in English! Click here!
A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) was developed for training teachers and school staff on the phenomenon of young carers, their needs and preferences. The aim is to make the project outcomes available to the largest possible number of learners in partner countries as well as in Europe. The e-learning course is available free of charge for all potentially interested participants, and available in English, Italian, Portuguese Slovenian and Swedish. The report for this output describes the results of the piloting of the MOOC.
The lead partner for this output was Anziani e non solo.
Click here to access the e-learning MOOC!
The report for this output is available in English! Click here!
Last Updated on August 20, 2020