Enhancing carers’ safety in the Slovak Republic: Key consultation with the Ministry of Labor
On 27.1.2025, our colleagues from The Chamber of Caregivers of Slovakia participated on behalf of KOS in a consultation with the Director of the Department of Labor Protection at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Mr. JUDr. Lizanc, Mrs. Fodorová, Mr. Šulík., Mrs. D. Grafiková and Mrs. Iveta Ždiľová.
The Director had contacted the Chamber to learn more about the world of safety and protection of caregivers both in the home environment and in social service facilities. He was interested in their comments that they had raised as part of previous consultation on the draft of call for the NP Information Campaign to Raise Public Awareness of the Right to a Healthy and Adapted Working Environment,
They drew attention to the un/safety of the home environment for both field caregivers, but also for the cared-for ones and their caring family relatives, where potential risks become real and even dangerous with aging. They talked about the psychosocial risks of caregivers’ work; risks of working with the human body (burden according to applicable legislation); and occupational risks in the social security system and their impact on health and the development of occupational diseases; the risks of illegal work; work in fictitious self-employment of carers in Austria; the potential of AI in social services and the mental health of caregivers. The topic of caregivers’ health is extensive.
Our colleagues believe that with the help of the Minitry, they will be able to make this topic more visible, obtain relevant data from EU countries and subsequently take measures that will help in making decisions in the interest of improving working conditions and making work more attractive for caregivers.