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The European voice for informal carers

Call for proposals on social innovation and national reforms – Long-term care

Members only
1. WHO – New WHO guidelines promote healthy lifestyle to reduce risk of dementia
2. Who cares? – Securing support in old age
3. Call for proposals on social innovation and national reforms – Long-term care
4. Risks Perceived by Frail Male Patients, Family Caregivers and Clinicians in Hospital: Do they Change after Discharge? A Multiple Case Study
5. Housing: an Educational European Road to Civil Rights
6. Pro Aidants is engaged #FortheHelpers
7. EPDA survey on the challenges of Parkinson’s carers
8. Country Specific Recommendations issued by the European Commission on 5 June: what is in it for carers?
9. Offer European Youth a perspective, offer them a job placement via the European Solidarity Corps!
10. Council Register – Implementation of the EU’s Strategic Agenda 2019-2024
11. European Institute for Gender Equality: EIGE – Gender Equality Index 2019 focuses on work-life balance
12. EESC – Integrating the European Pillar of Social Rights into the roadmap for deepening Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union – Study
13. EU Health Coalition calls upon the European Council to increase the total Horizon Europe budget to €120 billion
14. EIGE – Tackling the gender pay gap: not without a better work-life balance
15. CHAFEA – EU Health Programme High Level Conference (September 30)
16. OECD – Online database OECD Health Statistics 2019
17. Decent aging: a human obligation, but also an opportunity for economic progress, employment and innovation
18. Is It All About Happiness? The latest evidence on wellbeing and childbearing decisions in Europe
19. Successful Eurocarers’ Study Visit on ICT-based solutions for carers last 12 September in Brussels.

The Commission has asked us to inform you about the publication of a call for proposals on long-term care under the Programme EaSI (Progress axis). Here are the details of the call:

  • Title: Call for proposals on social innovation and national reforms – Long-term care (VP/2019/003)
  • Link to the documents:
  • Priorities of the call for proposals:
    • To develop and test innovative approaches to LTC provision with the aim to address the challenges of access, affordability, workforce, quality and sustainability of LTC;
    • To develop sustainable multi-level partnership models that would facilitate the implementation of social innovation in LTC provision;
    • To use social innovation in LTC policy planning and monitoring.
  • Deadline for submitting applications: 10/09/2019.
  • Functional mailbox where additional information can be requested:
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